A Review on Urban Planning and Its Role in Managing Flood Risks

A Review on Urban Planning and Its Role in Managing Flood Risks





Urban planning, Flood risk management, Blue-green infrastructure, Urban resilience, Adaptation and sustainability


This review delves deep into the intricate relationship between urban planning and flood risk management, tracing its historical trajectory and the evolution of methodologies over time. Traditionally, urban centers prioritized defensive measures, like dikes and levees, with an emphasis on immediate solutions over long-term resilience. These practices, though effective in the short term, often overlooked broader environmental implications and the necessity for holistic planning. However, as urban areas burgeoned and climate change introduced new challenges, there has been a marked shift in approach. Modern urban planning now emphasizes integrated blue-green infrastructure, aiming to harmonize human habitation with water cycles. Resilience has become the cornerstone, ensuring cities can adapt to and swiftly recover from flooding events. Through meticulous spatial planning, land use regulations, and the integration of green infrastructure, urban planning has transformed cities into sustainable habitats. Yet, challenges abound, from rapid urbanization to socio-economic disparities that amplify vulnerabilities. Drawing lessons from successful strategies adopted in cities like Rotterdam, Singapore, and Portland, this review underscores the imperative of innovative thinking, community engagement, and adaptability. In conclusion, effective urban planning can indeed metamorphose flood challenges into opportunities for resilience, sustainability, and improved quality of life.


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