A Critical Analysis of the Cultural Differences of Foreign Employees Working in China: A Case Study of the UK
Cultural dimensions, Folk China theory, Cross-cultural, Communication, DifferenceAbstract
This qualitative study proposes how to help cross-cultural communicators identify and address the causes and challenges of the cultural differences they encounter through the factors of cultural differences. The study was compared through a control group and data was collected and analysed by understanding interviewees' professional experiences to date as well as their experience of living in a foreign country. The participants were then asked specific questions using Hofstede's cultural dimensions theory and the concept of culture shock as a framework to inductively categorise the data while explaining through cultural dimensions theory and folk China theory.This study provides new insights for cross-cultural communicators on the cultural differences between China and Britain and provides a new understanding of the cultural differences between China and Britain through the cultural dimension theory and folk China theory. This study integrates the existing theories, especially proves that folk China theory can be used as theoretical support for the cultural dimension of the Sino-British data, and summarizes the current influences and underlying reasons for the Sino-British cultural communicators. In addition, the study provides effective recommendations and suggestions for a new generation of Sino-British cross-cultural communicators, both individually and collectively.
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