Conceptual concerns hindering the research of weak signals and wild cards ahead of rural development planners

Conceptual concerns hindering the research of weak signals and wild cards ahead of rural development planners


  • Mátyás SZABÓ Hungarian Academic of Scienses



Futures studies, rural development, weak signal, wild card, public planning


The practical search for weak signals and wild cards does not follow the explosion of scenario building in public policy designing and policymaking practices. Potential rural development planners face a number of conceptual challenges when they would engage in such research. The article takes stock of these theoretical points, which are hindering the rural development use. The detection, speed and impact of phenomena and preparation raise questions that have a decisive impact on the chosen research methodology. The article explores the need to increase the frequency of research and the follow-up activities of the foresights, as well as the subjective role of the researcher and interpreter, in the hope of inviting futures studies researchers for further research and discussion.


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How to Cite

SZABÓ, M. (2023). Conceptual concerns hindering the research of weak signals and wild cards ahead of rural development planners. New Countryside, 3(1), 1–7.


