View Vol. 3 No. 1 (January 2024): In progress
EISSN: 2758-1403

Aims and Scope
New Countryside is an open access international journal,which publishes cutting-edge research findings with the aim of promoting sustainable development of all aspects of contemporary rural society, economy and culture, enhancing the quality of life of farmers and improving their living environment. It aims to provide a platform for scientists and scholars around the world to share and discuss different aspects of rural issues. Articles from different theoretical perspectives and approaches that will contribute to the development of rural science are welcome.

The scope of The New Countryside includes but is not limited to:

  • Research on rural policies
  • Rural infrastructure development
  • Rural cultural development
  • Economic upliftment
  • Agricultural development
  • Rural Tourism
  • Environmental Protection
  • Articles

    Mobile and Height-adjustable Smoker for Giant Honeybees (Apis dorsata): Confirming Human Safety while Preserving the Ecological Balance

    P.D. Kahandage, K.M.N.M. Jayasena, E.J. Kosgollegedara, U.G.A.I. Sirisena, N.D.S.L. Senevirathne

    197 (Abstract) 120 (Download)

    smoker, rice straw, smoke flow rate, smoking The giant honeybees (Apis dorsata) live in large colonies with a vertical comb. However, they frequently attack tourists, pilgrims, tea pluckers, and school children. While they are naturally aggressive, they are also crucial for pollination. The current method of dealing with these colonies involves harmful techniques to destroy... more

  • Articles

    Sustainable Development and Environment of Biomass from Agriculture Residues

    Abdeen Mustafa Omer

    100 (Abstract) 65 (Download)

    This communication discusses a comprehensive review of biomass energy sources, environment, and sustainable development. This includes all the biomass energy technologies, energy efficiency systems, energy conservation scenarios, energy savings, and other mitigation measures necessary to reduce emissions globally. This study highlights the energy problem and the possible savings that can be achieved through the use... more