Enhancing the Sustainable Transportation Facilities Infrastructure Need with the Trip Generation Modeling


  • saad sarsam * director




Transportation, Model, Trip generation, Infrastructure, Urban area, Questionnaire, Sustainability


The transportation system is considered as one of the most important sustainable infrastructures in a country. Enhancing its need for development to cover the requirements of the inhabitants in a city is vital and the starting point for that is the consideration of the total number of trips generated to cover the commercial, educational, work and entertainment needs. In the present work, the trip generation in Baghdad was monitored and modeled. A questionnaire was designed and distributed among the western part of the city to obtain information regarding the number of trips generated daily by the household. Various aims of the trips and their duration as conducted by the members of each household were obtained, analyzed, and modeled. The obtained trip generation statistical model of Baghdad urban area can be implemented in the future development of the sustainable transportation infrastructure and predict its need for expansion and development.


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