View Vol. 2 No. 1 (June 2022)
EISSN: 2436-8539

Aims and Scope
Cultural Arts Research and Development is an open access international journal focusing on the world of literature and the arts, publishing new results and topics in the fields of literary theories, comparative literature and artistic exploration. It aims to provide a platform for scientists, scholars and art practitioners worldwide to disseminate, share and discuss issues and developments in different directions in the field of literature and art.

The scope of the Cultural Arts Research and Development includes, but is not limited to:

  • Literary theories
  • Language Arts
  • Performing Arts
  • Plastic Arts
  • 7 days

    Time to first decision

  • 32 days

    Review time

  • 40 days

    Submission to acceptance

  • Articles

    Internet of Musical Things Environments and Pure Data: A Perfect Match?

    Rômulo Augusto Vieira Costa, Flávio Luiz Schiavoni

    138 (Abstract) 115 (Download)

    The Internet of Musical Things (IoMusT) is an emerging area based on concepts from the Internet of Things, new interfaces for musical expression, human-computer interaction, ubiquitous music, and many others. Despite being a novelty, it already has some ecosystem models that use their abstractions to allow musical practice. However, they are not standardized and tend... more

  • Articles

    Safeguarding the Cultural and Natural Heritage of the Jukun People Through Music Composition and Performance

    Omotolani Ebenezer Ekpo, Olasunbo Omolara Loko

    195 (Abstract) 530 (Download)

    The current wave of global changes and challenges in all areas of human existence and co-existence has concurrently necessitated the need, for deliberate preservation of world cultural and natural heritage. The Jukun people among other African tribes are vulnerable to various social, political, economic and natural threats capable of endangering the continuity of their cultural... more

  • Articles

    Lucy as A ‘Rising Character’: Character Analysis of Lucy Snowe of Charlotte Brontë’s Villette


    383 (Abstract) 1006 (Download)

    In Villette, Charlotte Brontë portrays a woman’s growth in an incredibly subtle way. Her heroine goes through a lonely and painful process from awakening to transformation. Lucy Snowe possess inner strength and she rises out of difficult circumstances --- suffering, seeking, surviving and finding her career. Charlotte’s insights about love,career, marriage and life are more matured... more

  • Review

    Review of Writing-Related Theories

    Maryam Beiki

    415 (Abstract) 2641 (Download)

    Writing has a special position in language teaching meanwhile its accomplishment includes preparation and awareness of other three language skills. It seems crucial students set an objective for their writing, plan it sensibly, consider its design and rational arrangement. This paper reviews writing-related theories applicable in academic context.  To this end some related sources have... more