Role of Opinion Leaders in Technology Transfer among the Farmers in Bangladesh
Opinion leaders, Technology transfer, Problem facedAbstract
The agriculture of Bangladesh is progressing by using new technologies for production. This can be obtained by transferring technology to the farmers. Opinion leaders (OLs) are used as role models in the adoption of technology. The purpose of the study was to determine the role of OLs played regarding technology transfer. The study was conducted at Dumuria upazila under Khulna district. The data were collected from October 20, 2021 to January 5, 2022, from randomly selected 70 farmers and purposively selected 25 opinion leaders. A Role Extent Index (REI) was used to make a comparison among the selected 25 roles of OLs and 15 roles of the farmer as recipient of the extension service provided by the OLs. A Problem Severity Index (PSI) was also incorporated to make a comparison among the problems faced by the OLs. Correlation Coefficient (r) was used to ascertain the relationship between the focus issue and personal characteristics of the respondents. The Opinion Leaders majority (60%) of the OLs play important role and the majority (72%) faced moderate problem and majority (80%) of the farmers play an important role as a recipient. Farmers also assumed that majority (87.1%) of OLs play an important role. ‘Remain unbiased to share information’ became the first ranked role of the OLs in technology transfer. Family income, training received and extension media contact had a positive significant relationship with the extent of role played by the opinion leaders in extension services. Opinion leaders are important determinants and their role became the bridge between farmers and technology, thus, necessary steps should be taken to involve, train and supervise the opinion leaders.
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