Vol. 2 No. 1 (January 2023)

Mouri Khan Mim, Md. Matiul Islam
287 (Abstract)
193 (Download)
Good agricultural practices (GAP) are important for producing safe food minimizing health risks. The study was conducted at Dumuria upazila of Khulna district in Bangladesh to identify the discrepancy between farmers’ practices and GAP. Data were collected from purposively selected 100 respondents. Majority (63%) of the farmers had medium knowledge of the practices under GAP...

Deepika Priyadarshani Weerasinghe
203 (Abstract)
172 (Download)
To evaluate genetic diversity of 64 rice germplasms with five local check varieties, an experiment was conducted as the randomized complete block design with two replicates. It was conducted in experimental field of the Regional Rice Research and Development Center, Bombuwela, Sri Lanka. There were five morphological characters such as plant height, days to flowering,...

Mohammed Ahmed
181 (Abstract)
115 (Download)
This study was carried out to evaluate the role of curing period, exogenous Abscisic Acids (ABA) levels and on farm storage methods on the physiological quality losses of potato tubers during storage. The research was set out in a Split-Split-Plot Design (SSPD) with curing period allocated to the main plot while storage condition and ABA...

White Frank , Kenworthy Samar, Lee Cayon
121 (Abstract)
81 (Download)
Lima has become the first Peruvian megacity with more than 10 million people, resulting from the migration waves from the countryside throughout the 20th century, which have also contributed to the diverse ethnic background of today’s city. The paper analyzes two neighborhoods located in the inter-district area of Northern Lima: Pampa de Cueva and El...

Zhexuan Hong
154 (Abstract)
117 (Download)
Based on the background of the change in the urban–rural relationship in Guangdong Province, this paper constructs an analysis framework of urban and rural coordination development. Using the data of 19 administrative units above prefecture level in Guangdong Province, this paper studies the space–time evolution of urban and rural coordination development during 2000–2015 through Principal...

Liu Shuhuan , Peng Cheng
150 (Abstract)
89 (Download)
The regime theory has been widely applied to analyze the governing capacity for urban community development. However, it has seldom been translated to the countryside, even though rural communities often reveal some potential for self-governance and a capacity to act. With the emergence of information technology, social network services have become popular and have changed...